Earth in Two Dimensions

Tim Wallace
Apr 8, 2019


Albrecht Dürer to Agnes Denes: 100+ map projection illustrations and explainers (of various accuracies and precisions).

World map (cordiform, or heart-shaped, projection) | 1511
Treatise on Measurement (Dürer) | 1545
Mappemonde doublement cordiforme | 1525–1575
Projection de Mercator | 1572
Canovas lexo-dromique muet | 1600s
17 figures de planisphères, mappemondes et projections | 1600s
Sphère développée en quatre parties | 1720s
Geographia Generalis Seu Mathematica | 1723
A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane | 1776
Projection of the globe on the cylinder of a meridian | 1831
Globular Projection, Stereographic Projection, Orthographic Projection | 1835
The cube forms six squares placed together | 1836
Pribavleniye k zemnoy ploskosharyu | 1839
Mathematical geography | 1840
Oblate Spheroid. Sphere. Prolate Spheroid. | 1847
Map of the world on a polyconic development of the sphere | 1856
Projection synoptique cordiforme d’un globe terrestre trouvé à Laon, antérieur à la découverte de l’Amérique | 1860
Geometrical projection of two thirds of the sphere | 1860s
Geometrical projection of two thirds of the sphere | 1863
How The Sun sees “Great Britain, France, Holland, Denmark, &c.” at different times of year. | 1867
Parallax of an Object near the Eyes. | 1872
Balloon view—Provincetown to Boston | 1879
Octo-planisphère gnomonique | 1880
Land and Water Distribution | 1880
Projection équidistante | 1881
The centers of these circles are upon the axis… | 1882
Diagram illustrating the calculation of mean sphere level. | 1890
Method by which Globular Maps are projected. | 1893
Central Cylindrical Projection | 1895
The Earth as an “Orange” in Space. | 1895
The earth represented as a cylinder | 1895
Z-plane (A Quincuncial Projection of the Sphere) | 1896
[End paper] | 1897
Earth as a pear. | 1897
The star-shaped map | 1898
Central Meridian uɐᴉpᴉɹǝW lɐɹʇuǝƆ | 1901
Columbus [fisheye] | 1902
Birds-eye view from summit of Mt. Washington | 1902
This variation in measurements is also the worst drawback of Mercator’s map | 1903
Map of the world | 1905
Restoration of Toscanelli’s Map | 1907
Parallels | 1907
This proves the rotundity of the Earth. | 1908
It may be seen at once that some circular planes pass through the center of a globe. | 1908
Een en ander over kaartprojecties | 1909
Cahill butterfly projection | 1910
Carte aérienne. Projection cylindrique. | 1910
Schjernings Erdkarte 4 | 1912
Transverse Mollweide’s equal-area projection (close) | 1912
Fig. 7. | 1912
Projection of the sphere on the circumscribed cube. | 1912
The form toward which the the figure of the earth is tending, a tetrahedron with symmetrically truncated angles. | 1912
Bonne projection of hemisphere | 1918
A vertical in latitude 0° and a vertical in latitude 60°. | 1919
Collignon’s equal-area projection of the sphere | 1919
Mercator’s Principle | 1922
Figures 55 and 56 | 1922
The Tetrahedral Gnomonic Projection | 1925
Renner’s Hemispheric Projection | 1928
Compare the proportions of Greenland and South America on a globe and on a flat map and notice what a difference that makes! | 1932
If the paper cover of your school globe were removed carefully… | 1934
Ordinary or American polyconic projection of the entire sphere. | 1934
Patent filing | 1936
Figs 42–45 Man’s head… | 1938
Distortion of areas on Mercator’s projection | 1938
Le Monde. Représentation orthométrique à double projection. | 1942–1944
The map projection | 1942
Notes on Cylindrical World Map Projections | 1942
Obtaining a flat map | 1943
World | 1943
Air age octovue map of the world | 1943
Great circle airways | 1943
Maps are not true for all purposes | 1943
Global map for global war and global peace | 1943
Map projection device | 1943
Development of the Gingery Projection | 1943
Dymaxion Airocean World | 1943 [also]
The expansion the Mercator projection introduces in its scale of distance at high latitude | 1943
Parker’s flat-pole system | 1943
Equatorial azimuthal equidistant projection | 1944
Orienting map by inspection. | 1944
Orthographic projection oblique aspect | 1946
Most map projections are related to a cylinder, cone, or plane. | 1948
Diagrams showing development of respective projections and type and location of principal distortions. (All very highly exaggerated) | 1949
A Tetrahedral Gnomonic Projection | 1949
Map Projections Demonstrator | 1956
Projection: Changing a Globe Into a Flat Map | 1956
Hägerstrand’s logarithmic map. | 1957
Parallels (left) plus meridians (center) add up to the imaginary world-wide network (right). | 1959
SAS Spiral Projection | 1960
Conformal world map in an oval frame without projection | 1961
Schematic illustration of map projections | 1962
An illuminated flask with a grid pattern, simulating the parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude projected… | 1963
Equal area projection shows how two areas compare in size. | 1964
Central projection of a globe upon a cylinder, and subsequently modified map-structure… | 1964
Cylinder tangent at the equator | 1967
A Map Projection | 1967
Venn diagram showing the relationship between the basic subdivisions in the systems for classification of map projections. | 1967
Various map projections | 1970
The Projection of the ICA Flag. | 1971
Isolines of the magnitudes of angular deformation plotted on the graticule of the projection in conventional orientation, i.e. “centered” on the equator. | 1971
Perspective cosmographique équatoriales | 1971
Full Disk Earth, Apollo 17 | 1972
A Polar equal-area map of the world | 1973
Isometric Systems in Isotropic Space: Map Projections — The Hot Dog | 1974
Fict. pole on 80W | 1975
Map Emphasizing Southeastern Michigan | 1975
Stereographic projection of spherical triangles associated with the regular icosahedron. | 1976
Projection Process | 1977
Conformal and Equiareal World Maps | 1979
Isometric Systems in Isotropic Space-Map Projections: The Doughnut | 1980
Division of the Global Area into 100 Equal Cells | 1981
A variety of map projections | 1982
Two orbits of the space oblique mercator projection, shown for Landsat.| 1982
Maps | 1984
Oblique Azimuthal Equidistant Projection centered on Chernobyl. | 1986
Computer generated oblique view | 1986
Stereographic projection, polar view | 1987
Tilted perspective projection. | 1987
Electronic global map generating system | 1987
Loximuthal projection | 1989
Groucho Marx | 1989
Sanson’s Sinusoidal | 1990
Map projection system | 1991
Map abstraction process | 1992
Lambert conformal conic. | 1994
Circuit diagram map, simplified shape map, spooky map | 1994
Many people have an incorrect idea of how Mercator’s projection works. How NOT to do it. | 2003
The world turned upside down | 2005
Equal earth | 2018



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